Events & Happenings

MARGARET CASELLA’S acceptance in the Heckscher Museum Biennial!


It is my sincere pleasure to inform you that the Long Island Biennial jury has accepted your work, Coffee Filters 1, for The Heckscher Museum of Art Long Island Biennial to be held from September 3 through December 4, 2016.


The opening reception will be Saturday evening, September 10, from 5:30 until 7:30 pm, and we look forward to seeing you then.  You will receive invitations that will admit four people, including yourself, to the reception.  Regrettably, we must limit attendance in keeping with fire regulations and so have planned two additional special viewing events for family and friends:

Biennial Friends and Family Private Viewing
Friday, September 23  |  5:00 pm – 8:30 pm  |  Music at 7:00 pm
An evening of music, wine, and a special viewing of the exhibition. 
Biennial Friends and Family and Heckscher Museum Members Viewing
Friday, November 18  |  5:00 pm – 8:30 pm  |  Music at 7:00 pm
An evening of music, wine, and a special viewing of the exhibition.

Margaret Casella